5 Tips To Finding Ways to Workout Throughout Your Day

We’ve all seen it. Frig, I used to think this way at times. Especially pre-kid Shannon. That in order to get a workout in, or to be the most successful with my day, I needed to wake up at 5AM (or earlier).

I don’t care what anyone says. If you have young children (and I’m sure it’s not that much different with older children) you haven’t slept much this year or for the past few years. So waking up any earlier than your children get up is simply just not an ideal option. And working out after the kids go down? Please. Also a crapola option. Who has that energy? If you take away anything, please prioritize sleep over working out especially in those early postpartum days but I’ll save that for another blog post soon.

Waking up earlier than your kids is simply just not a great option. And working out after the kids go down? No thanks.

So here are your 5 tips on how to incorporate more movement/workouts into your day!

  1. If you don’t work from home but COULD work from home 1 or 2 days a week, this can increase your chances to get a workout in. Whether that is at home or going to the gym during a work from home day(s). Be honest with your boss about wanting to fit this into your week. If they say no, find a new job ;)

  2. If working from home is NOT an option > can you find 45-60mins in your day to leave the office for a workout or a walk? Make sure to factor in the commute, the workout itself and a shower if necessary. Schedule it it in. Make it a non-negotiable. That is, until the daycare call comes to pick up the kids (Iaughing but not laughing).

  3. Talk to your partner. They may have similar goals to fit a workout in. Swap off. Two days a week, you get your workout in right after work and your partner gets the kids from daycare. Vice versa.

  4. Same for a morning workout that ISN’T 5AM. One of you gets a workout, one of you does daycare drop-off. Vice versa. Is starting your day 30 minutes later really that disruptive?

  5. And if none of this jives with your current season of life, don’t underestimate the amount of movement you get throughout a day being a parent of one or multiple kids.

Give it a try. What’s the worse that could happen?


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